Hungry Buddha has just unveiled its latest venture, a second cloud kitchen located in the bustling Lower Parel district of Mumbai. This exciting addition promises to bring the exquisite flavors of pan-Asian cuisine closer to South Mumbai residents and further establishes the restaurant as a go-to choice for Asian culinary enthusiasts.”This cloud kitchen stands out as a choice for Asian cuisine in the vibrant Bandra-Juhu area of Mumbai,” noted a representative from Hungry Buddha.
Now, in a strategic move, Hungry Buddha extends its reach to Lower Parel, a culinary hub highly regarded among residents and the commercial crowd alike. Founder & Managing Director at Acapella Hospitality, Shaan Gidwani, shared his personal connection to the brand, saying, “Hungry Buddha is a brand that’s personally very close to my heart. It’s definitely been the dark horse and the underdog among our portfolio of brands at Acapella. With initial hiccups and no sight of success on the horizon, months of relentless efforts by our ops, kitchen, and marketing team have finally begun to pay off as we’ve started witnessing exponential growth and higher brand recall than ever before.”
The new Hungry Buddha cloud kitchen boasts an extensive menu that caters to diverse palates. From soups and appetizers to complete noodles and rice dishes, customers can expect a wide range of options. For starters, the menu features tantalizing choices such as Cottage Cheese Satay, Honey Glazed Grilled Chicken Skewers, Grilled Chicken in Black Pepper Sauce, and Green Pepper Prawns, ensuring there’s something to satisfy every palate.
In the main course, The Buddha Bowls have gained a devoted following among regular patrons. Options like Chicken Laksa Curry Bowl, Veg Phad Thai Bowl, Korean Kimchi Bowl, and Veg Kung Pao Bowl burst with exotic ingredients and fresh flavors, all while remaining budget-friendly for solo diners. Classic favorites like Paneer Chilli, Veg Burnt Garlic Rice, Red and green Thai Curry, Schezwan Noodles, and more are also available to delight the taste buds.
Vegans can rejoice as well, with a comprehensive selection that caters to their dietary preferences. Stir-fried mushrooms with Bell Peppers, Pink Peppercorn Tofu, Tofu Hunan, and Vegan Tofu Satay are just a few options providing an authentic Asian dining experience for vegan enthusiasts.
Hungry Buddha’s latest cloud kitchen in Lower Parel promises to be a culinary haven for those seeking the finest in pan-Asian cuisine, further solidifying its reputation as a go-to destination for delectable Asian flavors in Mumbai.