The esteemed Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi has unveiled his latest culinary masterpiece, Karigari Restaurant, in the picturesque neighborhood of Civil Lines in Delhi. This eagerly awaited launch not only introduces delectable cuisine to the residents of Delhi but also marks the beginning of an ambitious expansion plan that will see the emergence of eight more Karigari locations across India, London, and Dubai in the coming year.
Karigari’s debut in Civil Lines pays homage to Chef Sokhi’s extraordinary culinary talents. The menu at this new dining haven is a harmonious fusion of diverse flavor profiles, seamlessly marrying traditional Indian flavors with a contemporary twist. From kebabs to aromatic biryanis and innovative fusion creations, each dish on offer is a testament to Chef Sokhi’s unwavering commitment to the art of gastronomy.
The variety of flavors presented mirrors Karigari’s broad expansion strategy. Alongside the Civil Lines location, the restaurant chain is poised to introduce eight additional establishments in the coming year, spanning the culinary landscapes of India, London, and Dubai. This global expansion underscores Karigari’s dedication to sharing its unique culinary fusion and craftsmanship with an international audience, inviting more connoisseurs of flavor to partake in the enchantment.
Commenting on this momentous occasion, Chef Sokhi exuded enthusiasm, remarking, “We are thrilled to introduce Karigari Restaurant to Civil Lines, Delhi, and embark on this incredible journey of expansion. Our passion for culinary perfection knows no bounds, and we are eager to share our love for food and art with an even wider audience across the world.”