-KH News Desk (cbdigital@imaws.org)
Novozymes brings in a game-changing biosolution, Novamyl BestBite to increase the increase shelf life and freshness of baked food without affecting its texture.
Novozymes, a global leader in bio innovation brings in a game-changing biosolution, Novamyl BestBite. It is a Novamyl baking product used to increase the increase shelf life and freshness of the baked food without affecting its texture. They try to achieve great balance without compromise. The company claims that it helps to give ‘ a soft yet resilient bite.’According to Novozymes, the new biosolution reduces between 50% to 75% of added sugar without changing the taste of bread. It also works in lower pH dough conditions.
“Until now, obtaining a superior softness and moistness without compromising on resilient breadcrumbs has been a challenge,” says Adam Diggle, Novozymes’ business unit Director for baking. He also adds, “In terms of texture, this means a perfectly balanced bite that is soft yet resilient, which perfectly matches what consumers prefer.”
Diggle estimates that roughly 20-30% of the breads produced are not consumed. He says, “It’s definitely an area where food waste can be reduced, either at a bakery and or at a consumer level.”According to Diggle, Novamyl BestBite is a “robust solution that is easy to apply in formulations and recipes, has no negative effects on the dough properties, and allows for effortless dosing.”
Novamyl BestBite helps to maintain the softness and moistness of the baked product. It can cut added sugar by 25% to 75% without impacting the taste of baked foods. It maintains the freshness of the bread which can be enjoyed after 15 days as the new bread. Thus it helps to reduce the impact of ‘ crop production, processing of grains, baking process, processing, and transportation.’
Generally, bread lasts 3 to 7 days in a room temperature, and if added preservatives like proportionate or potassium sorbate it would last a little longer. A baked food made with Novamyl Best Bite not only has shelf stability but also prevents food wastage. The shelf life of bread made with Novamyl BestBite depends on the type of bread and where it was produced. According to Novozymes, the use of Novamyl in baking saved more than 80 billion loaves of bread from spoilage, since 1990.
This ingredient launch can be seen as a result of the collaboration of Novozymes and Chr. Hansen, a huge players in the ingredient space, last year. The combined company’s portfolio focus on “enabling healthier lives and producing better foods.” the merger is expected to close later this year, said Novozymes to Food Dive. They prioritize the texture of the product but also focus on delivering significant improvement in freshness, improving shelf life, and lower food waste.
There are other F&B producers invested to increase the shelf life of the products. Cereal and snacks giant General Mills patented a flour milling process. This process can extend the refrigerated shelf life of raw dough to 120 days, which is 30 days increase from conventional storage time.
Consumers are also interested in Better for You baked products. Bob’s Red Mill, a four alternate producer, produces varieties of ingredients like almonds and coconuts. This saw a hike in sales as consumers prioritized higher nutritional value.