-KH News Desk (cbdigital@imaws.org)
With the emergence of brand-new cafes in metro cities and the semi urban cities adapting the coffee culture, presently India is one of the exponentially growing coffee markets on the globe.Consequently, Nescafe decides to expand its roots in India. India is regarded as the tea dominated country in the beverage market,yet it proves to be a significant market for coffee, due to its exponentially high population and an elevating coffee culture.
Philip Navrattil, the head of coffee strategic business unit is currently on a visit in India as a part of business tour to elevate the coffee business in the country. At the Nestle India Headquarters in Gurugram he said,“India is one of the fastest growing markets for Nescafe and offers a huge opportunity for penetration-led growth, both through in-home and out-of-home consumption”
The Swiss brand, Nestlé believes that India is one of the quickest growing markets for Nescafe.Despite the domination and popularity of tea, Nescafe has been able to carve out a position for itself due to its attractive prize points starting from 2rs sachets.Nestle’s coffee is sourced locally from the Indian farmers.
The company plans to use India as the prime factory to expand its Global coffee business.With the household penetration accelerating in India, Nescafe has already reached 46 million households in the country.It sells a varied range of retailed Nescafe products in India including the Nescafe classic, Gold and Sunrise blends.
“We believe Nescafe is perfectly positioned to introduce the world to coffee. We are more accessible in terms of price per cup. It is also high quality. We also produce all types and different types of coffee, which is important because consumption is getting more sophisticated”-Navrattil.
The company will continue to focus on core product sales and it does not currently have plans launch the premium portfolio of pods and coffee machines. As per Navrattilit is also looking forward to launching coffee concentrate and single origin coffee.